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Maine Mounted Search And Rescue

"Looking Out For You"

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Air scent training 10-25-2020.jpeg
horses and gator (2).jpg
Drone Landing Zone Video Description:

Our horses are trained to remain under control around helicopters, drones, lights/sirens on patrol cars, smoke and fire, gunshots, and other "scary" distractions.


This video was taken when we had Terry Nowacki return to Maine for a second Equine Air Scent Detection training in 2018.


Our horses and riders have continued to train with air scent detection and are excited to offer more skills to assist in finding lost people.

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Maine Mounted SAR (MMSAR)

We're always looking for new members, whether they can help us administratively, or in a support, foot, or mounted capacity at a search.



Registered 501(c)(3): 01-0535116

Maine Association for SAR (MASAR)

The Maine Association for SAR (MASAR) is an umbrella organization responsible for training, certifying, and dispatching its ~15 member units. If MMSAR doesn't feel right for you please visit MASAR's Active Units page to see if another might be a better fit for you! 

© 2019 Maine Mounted Search and Rescue

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